Responsible Gambling at 1xBet

Afflictions linked to gambling maladies often intertwine with deteriorated mental health, manifesting as despondency, trepidation, and suicidal ideation. These issues extend their adverse reach into familial bonds, vocational endeavors, scholastic achievements, and may precipitate insolvency or illicit activities.

Gambling should remain a pleasurable diversion rather than a monetary pursuit.

Regrettably, the misuse of gambling can occasionally engender complications. We diligently attend to our clientele, striving to offer a secure and dependable service devoid of deleterious repercussions.

Our establishment prohibits wagering by individuals under the age of 18. We conscientiously abstain from marketing our offerings to minors or those mentally vulnerable. Our promotional activities are scrupulously devoid of content that might entice underage individuals to our Service.

Should your computer be shared with minors, ensure they lack access to usernames, passwords, and financial information. Software such as NetNanny and Cyber Patrol can limit gambling access effectively.

We routinely verify the ages of our customers to ascertain that all participants meet the legal age requirement. In instances where age cannot be conclusively verified, we request additional documentation to confirm the player’s legality. Account availability may be constrained, and funds immobilized until age verification is unequivocally affirmed.

The legal gambling age is dictated by your country’s legislation, typically set at 18 years. Customers must acknowledge their responsibility in adhering to these legal requirements when registering on 1xbet.

Our advertising efforts are transparent, avoiding any deception or misrepresentation of our services. Customers are duly informed of their winning probabilities and associated risks. Services are fee-based, with no endorsement of excessive expenditure. To evaluate your gambling habits, consider the following queries:

  • Is your expenditure unmanageable?
  • Do you frequently borrow or steal money to gamble?
  • Have you distanced yourself from family and loved ones?
  • Do others’ opinions about your gambling activities irritate you?
  • Have you lost interest in hobbies or usual leisure activities?
  • Do feelings of depression or suicidal thoughts emerge due to losses?
  • Have you ever concealed the extent of your time or money spent on gambling?

Affirmative responses to most questions suggest a potential gambling issue.

Admitting an addiction is the first step towards addressing it. We cherish our customers and strive not to exacerbate their problems. Here are some tips to mitigate the risk of gambling addiction:

  • Do not view gambling as your primary income source.
  • Set monetary and temporal limits on your gambling and adhere to them.
  • Gamble only with funds you can afford to lose.
  • Resist the urge to recoup losses.
  • Avoid gambling when under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or when feeling despondent.

For those wishing to impose restrictions on their gambling, we offer a voluntary self-exclusion policy and Terms and conditions. This allows you to close your account or limit your gambling activities for up to one year. Once self-excluded, the account will remain closed until the specified period ends. Post-exclusion, services can be resumed by contacting Customer Support.

To impose limits on your online gambling, reach out to us at [email protected]. We may impose a maximum stake limit, which can be modified but will only take effect 24 hours after the last update.

During self-exclusion, you must refrain from opening a new account and acknowledge that the Company holds no financial liability if you continue gambling or use a new account with different details. In exceptional circumstances, an account may be unblocked before the self-exclusion period concludes.

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